Daily Ditties

One can only do so much girls nights and casual dating without having to attend to the normal daily routines. Plus – suggesting that ones life may only exist around (the search for) togetherness and that knight in shining armor may be somewhat vexing for those believing to be ‘more‘ than just pawns on the board of love. And honestly – there IS more to life (it’s just a hell of a lot less interesting to write about). But for those of you who might take up an interest in what I could possibly be getting up to in between disasters – this is a category to keep you posted. Warning: topics may include kittens, drooling over food items and total insanity.

About Me

Welcome to my personal slice of madness on the interwebs. There’s not been many constants in my life – but writing has always been one of them. And how better to display the results of all that practice, than by showing the world exactly what resides in my brain. The only way I know how to: in words.

Haven’t had enough yet?
Click on for the golden oldies!

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